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Man Abuses His Wife And Rapes His

Man Abuses His Wife And Rapes His Daughter In The Name Of God

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2024-02-05 06:50 152 Youtube

Masked husband robs and rapes his own wife

Last Wednesday, while 36-year-old Yen(小燕) was working in her kitchen, a masked burglar with knife broke into her place. He stole 35RMB (about 5.77 USD) then...

2014-04-09 01:16 6 Dailymotion

Masked husband robs and rapes his own wife

Last Wednesday, while 36-year-old Yen(小燕) was working in her kitchen, a masked burglar with knife broke into her place. He stole 35RMB (about 5.77 USD) then...

2015-05-13 01:16 11 Dailymotion

Husband Shoots Man for 'Telepathic Rape' of His Wife

Michael Selleneint and Melony Selleneint are going to a mental hospital and eventually jail after she purchased a gun and her husband shot their neighbor for al...

2013-09-25 01:12 626 Dailymotion

Darshan abuses his wife again | Kannada Focus

Darshan seems to be in a controversy yet again. In 2011, the actor's wife, Vijayalakshmi, approached the police, claiming that he had physically assaulted her. ...

2016-03-11 01:11 428 Dailymotion

OMg..!! Poor Man and his wife

ہسپتال نے ایمبولینس نہ دی... ہندوستان میں ایمبولنس کیلئے پیسے نہ ہونے پر شہری اپنی بیوی ک...

2016-08-25 00:45 51 Dailymotion